Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit designs a new clinical approach for the community response to the city of Fundong in the northwest of Cameroon.
Infectious diseases such as (HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Measles, and Typhoid fever) represent more than a third death in the city of Fundong NW Cameroon and are also one of the most widespread health problems and costly for the community today.
As a result, the regional hospital of Fundong in the NW of Cameroon has taken considerable steps to implement a new clinical approach, referred to as the “Clinical Patient Guidelines.”
Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit wrote and designed the new project to assist the medical staff in the proper treatment of patients with infectious diseases.
The new “Clinical Patient Guidelines” approach proposes today to develop more targeted consultations and high-affected people, to create close links between all the services.
It also allows improving the quality at the individual level and population, particularly in the critical aspects related to the use of prevention services, ARV treatment, and follow-up of the resistances of the disease.
Furthermore, the novel approach allows reviewing every six months the improvement of the CD4 count level, monitoring the viral load but to mitigate the prevention of the transmission of infectious diseases mother-children.
This improved approach also encourages initiatives to promote a better food approach, especially for patients who have HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis diseases.

The regional hospital of Fundong has implemented this novel approach designed and thought by Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit, because of the importance of the populations who bear the weight of infectious diseases in the community.
According to a study carried out by the Peace Corps Cameroon, last year, infectious diseases represent more than 80% of deaths in the population of Fundong.
That is why “Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit has seized the opportunity to welcome the consensus which is built around this new Clinical Patient Guidelines approach.”
Then, “he extends its sincere gratitude to the regional hospital representatives in Fundong, for the confidence given to make improvements that will save the lives of patients,” he concluded.
To conclude, Dr. Ngum Joël, Director of the regional hospital in Fundong, has “first, thanked Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit for its expertise and its availability in the design of this novel approach.”
Then “urged the medical staff and the entire community, among others, to adopt this alternative approach to the best benefit of the population of Fundong.”
John Colin from the Fundong regional press release Fundong, NW Cameroon May 15th, 2016.