ICAN projects reach vulnerable populations in Senegal, Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Gabon, Haiti, and Equatorial Guinea.
Nearly 170 million poor people in Africa need humanitarian assistance because of malnutrition, health inequality, and the well-being of children and families.
Hundreds of thousands of infants, children, women, and families remain locked in a vicious cycle of poverty, and many children continue to be infected with HIV.
The needs in the region are enormous.
According to UNICEF’s projections:
over 22 million people need help to get enough food and nutrition
over 93 million people need help to get adequate healthcare
some 40 million people need help accessing safe water
over 42 million children need help getting an education
Ways for you
to help.
The Consulting International Aid Network (ICAN), in collaboration with its partners, is seeking funding to provide the following services:
Education Sector
The Consulting International Aid Network (ICAN) contributes to enroll children in school throughout many countries. It builds, renovates schools, and provides equipment to school facilities. ICAN also runs programs on the ground, such as the distribution of school kits, the Scholarship Program, and implementing libraries and computer rooms.
Health Sector
The Consulting International Aid Network (ICAN) focuses on prevention on a large scale. Thus, vaccination campaigns, donation of drugs and materials to health facilities, donation of materials to hospitals, and screening caravan. ICAN also engages in capacity building of health personnel.
Health Caravan
The Consulting International Aid Network (ICAN) has since 2014 organized several health caravans that have over the years, strengthened its prestige among the poor. The aim is to contribute to the improvement of children’s health and to protect them against pathological endemics and communicable diseases such as typhoid fever, meningitis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, and measles.
Nutrition Education and Supplies
ICAN is seeking funding to purchase and distribute nutrition supplement supplies, including enriched nutrition oat porridge to malnourished children in areas of need; work with community health centers to provide community outreach to encourage breastfeeding, nutrition education, and food-related hygiene practices.
Social Sector
The Consulting International Aid Network (ICAN) operates in many social areas while focusing its actions on women’s empowerment through the strengthening and creation of income-generating activities. These actions enable women to contribute to the health and education of their children. The Foundation also helps poor families and carries out actions for children such as Children’s Day or Christmas celebrations.
Medical Training
ICAN is seeking to collaborate and coordinate with the US and European medical training institutions, colleges, universities, and organizations to provide medical training, seminars, and updates to the African medical community for on-site and on-line training.
*Cash donations will also assist us to provide special nutritional supplements and anti-malaria treatments to the needy pregnant women and children of Africa.
Thank you.

Donations are 100% Secure & Tax Deductible
I have worked with The founder and president of the International Consulting Aid Network (ICAN), Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit, for over two years, and confirm with no doubt that he is an insightful, considerate, dedicated, and self-directed individual with impressive experience in public health, infectious diseases prevention, and health education and training. He has solid knowledge and skills to build co-workers’ capacities.
Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit, through his organization ICAN, assisted the Fundong District Hospital staff nurses to develop an HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission mother to child disease prevention and nutrition seminar to HIV/AIDS patients and a follow-up program series focusing on the early determination and mitigation of HIV/AIDS infections.
Another notable fact, ICAN president designed and implemented various public health projects and empowered youth educators and married couples by providing health education and information and necessary life skills.
While working in Cameroon as a Peace Corps Volunteer, he was responsible for the HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis patient unit with the local hospital where he served and performed daily patient inter-service consultations, providing a general assessment of (HIV/AIDS and TB) patients who have been referred to the treatment center office, and conducted regular HIV pre-and post-test counseling sessions.
Through the ICAN organization, Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit promoted health education to prevent common maternal and childhood illnesses (malaria, HIV/AIDS, diarrheal diseases, malnutrition) and provided psychosocial support to diagnosed people living with HIV/AIDS.
Also, he redesigned the standard routine refill ARV’s drug procedures, management of activities related to HIV/AIDS patient care, and standard procedures of patient physical assessment. Referred (HIV/AIDS and TB) patients requiring special care and treatment to hospital service care and facilitated annual training and medical staff education programs to make sure a competent medical workforce and easy organization.
He secured PEPFAR funds and completed one of the most comprehensive and sustainable HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns. The project included several free HIV/AIDS-free tests and workshops in high school environments, with motorcycle drivers, health workers, peer educators, married couples, mothers, and pregnant women.
Community Health Program Manager
U.S Peace Corps/Cameroon
The founder and president of the International Consulting Aid Network (ICAN), Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit, is both a highly professional and very caring public health practitioner.
I witnessed him provide grassroots public health support to the people of Cameroon when he served as a Public Health Peace Corps Volunteer, helping local people to navigate their daily needs and making their lives much easier against the background of limited resources.
Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit, also through his organization ICAN, assisted the Fundong District Hospital staff nurses to develop an HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission mother to child disease prevention and nutrition seminar to HIV/AIDS patients and a follow-up program series focusing on the early determination and mitigation of HIV/AIDS infections.
Dr. David Tiomajou,
Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics
Former Peace Corps Training Officer
Since the beginning of his philanthropic journey through his organization, the International Consulting Aid Network (ICAN), Dr. Hugues Fidele continue has changed and improved the lives of women, men, and children in many Africa countries (Haiti, Senegal, Cameroun, Gabon, Benin, and Togo) on a large scale.
The founder of the International Consulting Aid Network (ICAN) has long made headlines for his charitable donations, in part because Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit has spent nearly $300,000 of his own money over the years on various nonprofit projects.
Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit has worked with several countries’ partners (public and private) and strived to bring medical attention, HIV/AIDS screening, vaccinations for children, and infectious disease prevention to many people living at or below the poverty line.
Through the ICAN organization, he also launched multiple projects to eradicate illiteracy and foster education. ICAN and its president believe in enhancing people’s living conditions, thereby have built and donated housing for underprivileged families and widowers in Cameroon.
Another notable fact, ICAN president changed women’s and children’s life in Cameroon, Benin, and Gabon with an early Christmas and food celebration where everyone received a gift.
Similarly, he provided financial support and training to the woman’s association involved in community services to boost their economic capacities.
As of today, he continues to work amongst the poorest of the poor and established many charity programs to offer food, medical care, microfinance, scholarship, lodging, and other necessities for those in need.
Even though he has already started this project, he intends to provide more medical equipment in hospitals in several African countries.
It is always wonderful to see the joy on people’s faces and what Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit, and the ICAN organization, have accomplished so far during these projects.
Along with his incredible generosity as a philanthropist, Dr. Hugues Fidele Batsielilit is also known for his humility and commitment to living simply, showing that he has strong values and knows what it takes to create an extraordinary life.
Eugenie Balogun
Foreign Language Instructor
Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC)
Contact Us
Main Office Address:
609 Gravllee Lane
Birmingham, AL 35206
Phone Number: 205-266-5578 / Office Number: 205-423-5719 / Fax: 205-423-5719 / Email: Batsielilit@hotmail.com